One-Punch Man continues to raise the stakes with a truly formidable foe (Photo: One Punch Man/Madhouse)

Explaining the Most Game-Breaking Powers in One Punch Man

Saitama may finally face an opponent who defies his usual dominance.

One-Punch Man has built its reputation on a straightforward concept, centering around Saitama as an unstoppable force, yet one villain, the ninja leader Empty Void, may possess an ability that allows him to challenge the series’ strongest hero.

This adversary, once allied with Blast, has demonstrated an extraordinary power that manipulates space on a universal scale—grabbing the very sky to escape an attack and vanish without a trace.

Empty Void emerges as a rare threat who might challenge Saitama (Photo: One Punch Man/Madhouse)

Yusuke Murata’s adaptation of the manga has consistently amplified the intensity of its antagonists, though how this new threat will be portrayed remains uncertain.

Given the nature of the series, many would assume the outcome is predictable, yet there are valid reasons to question whether Saitama’s usual dominance will hold this time.

Saitama’s relentless pursuit of excitement as a hero has led to some legendary battles, such as his confrontations with Boros and Orochi. The Monster Association Arc further raised the stakes by introducing enemies capable of causing catastrophic destruction, hinting that even greater foes are on the horizon.

The latest adversary appears to wield an ability that might counteract Saitama’s most devastating attack—the Serious Punch.

One-Punch Man follows two distinct chapter numbering systems, with one reflecting the chapters published in collected volumes and another corresponding to those released online. Due to redraws, chapter splits, and mergers, discrepancies exist between the two.

Additionally, Tonari, the digital platform publishing the series, employs a separate numbering format that increases with each update. The next arc of One-Punch Man is shaping up to be one of the series’ most thrilling storylines, delivering high-energy action that could place it among the most memorable moments in shonen anime.

Empty Void’s Spatial Powers Might Be the Key to Defeating Saitama – Blast’s Former Ally Uses a Unique Technique to Evade Attacks

Empty Void has demonstrated an extraordinary ability to warp space itself, allowing him to escape harm effortlessly in One-Punch Man. His skill set has always revolved around spatial and dimensional control, making him an ideal partner for the top-ranked hero, Blast.

This particular power gives him the potential to evade even the most destructive strike from Saitama, a feat no previous opponent—including Garou—has accomplished. Because of this, Void has emerged as one of the most intriguing figures in the series, though how he will be handled remains a major question.

His capabilities were first revealed in a flashback featured in Chapter 195’s redrawn pages, or Chapter 242 in Tonari’s numbering system. Shortly after absorbing residual cosmic energy from Saitama and Garou’s battle, Void demonstrated his space-warping ability astonishingly.

Could Empty Void’s abilities counter the unstoppable Serious Punch (Photo: One Punch Man/Madhouse)

The most bizarre aspect of this sequence is that he appears to physically grasp the starred sky, an indication of the immense scale of his spatial manipulation.

As his strength continues to recover, he proves the extent of his growth by unleashing the Dimension Slash, an attack powerful enough to devastate the Hero Association headquarters—stopped only by Blast’s timely intervention.

Could Empty Void Be a True Threat to Saitama? –  Their Encounter in the Webcomic Was Underwhelming

A confrontation with Void could introduce one of the most difficult challenges Saitama has faced, as this opponent’s ability to distort space may neutralize the hero’s overwhelming strength.

While Garou also possessed astonishing powers that pushed Saitama to develop further, Void’s abilities might rely more on illusions or reality manipulation—concepts that were hinted at in an earlier, unrevised chapter.

Despite these factors, Saitama has already shown he can punch through dimensions and even disrupt time itself, making it doubtful that Empty Void will genuinely endanger him. However, introducing this ability in a more refined way could improve one of the least satisfying battles from the webcomic, finally giving Void a chance to display his full potential.

In many respects, this level of spatial evasion serves as an intriguing counter to Saitama’s overwhelming strength, offering a fresh take on how an opponent might temporarily hold their own against him.