Nothing fazes Saitama, whether it’s battles or long grocery lines (Photo: One Punch Man/Madhouse)

The Hidden Reason Saitama Doesn’t Get the Credit He Deserves

Despite endless victories, the Hero Association refuses to acknowledge him.

Saitama, the central figure in One Punch Man, stands apart from other heroes due to his overwhelming strength, effortlessly vanquishing foes with a single punch. Despite repeatedly saving the world, he remains largely unrecognized.

This lack of acknowledgment stems from various factors, including the Hero Association’s ranking system, public perception, and the fact that his battles often conclude too quickly for witnesses to grasp his true power.

Additionally, other heroes and officials dismiss him due to his plain appearance and seemingly effortless victories, leaving him underappreciated despite his unmatched abilities.

His effortless victories leave even heroes doubting his strength (Photo: One Punch Man/Madhouse)

Lack of Flashiness and Drama

One reason Saitama gets no recognition is because of his lack of flashiness and drama. Unlike other heroes who make a big show of their heroics, Saitama is a straightforward and no-nonsense kind of guy.

He doesn’t bother with fancy poses or dramatic speeches, and he certainly doesn’t seek to draw attention to himself. As a result, his heroics often go unnoticed by the public.

Another reason is the Mysterious Nature of his Powers

Another reason Saitama gets no recognition is because of the mysterious nature of his powers. Nobody knows how he got his incredible strength, and nobody can quite understand how he is able to defeat his enemies so easily.

This air of mystery surrounding his powers makes it difficult for people to take him seriously, and as a result, he is often overlooked and underappreciated.

The Hero Association’s Role in Saitama’s Lack of Recognition

The Hero Association also plays a significant role in Saitama’s lack of recognition. The Association is responsible for ranking and recognizing heroes, but they often overlook Saitama’s achievements.

This is partly because Saitama doesn’t bother to register with the Association, and partly because the Association is biased towards heroes who are more flashy and attention-seeking.

Latest Updates and Theories

The issue of Saitama’s lack of recognition has sparked a lot of debate among fans of the series. Some fans believe that Saitama’s lack of recognition is a deliberate choice on his part, while others believe that it is a result of the Hero Association’s bias and incompetence.

One popular theory among fans is that Saitama’s lack of recognition is actually a blessing in disguise. By flying under the radar, Saitama is able to avoid the pressures and expectations that come with being a recognized hero.

This allows him to focus on his own goals and motivations, rather than being driven by the need for recognition and approval. In the end, Saitama’s lack of recognition is a complex issue with no easy answers.

However, one thing is clear: Saitama’s heroics are invaluable, and he deserves recognition and appreciation for all that he does.