One Punch Man’s power rankings continue to spark debate among fans (Photo: One Punch Man/Madhouse)

Ranking the S-Class Heroes: Who is the Strongest in One Punch Man?

The S-Class heroes stand as humanity’s last line of defense.

Among the elite warriors of the Hero Association in One Punch Man, the S-Class ranks include Earth’s mightiest defenders. However, within this already prestigious group, there are still varying levels of power, with those positioned higher typically demonstrating superior strength.

For instance, while Tatsumaki, who holds the second rank, is stronger than Tanktop Master at rank fourteen, a more detailed evaluation is needed to determine the relative strengths of those positioned close to each other.

Drive Knight’s mechanical transformations give him a tactical edge in battle (Photo: One Punch Man/Madhouse)

This ranking primarily assesses the S-Class heroes based on direct combat comparisons with their peers. Secondary factors such as reputation, theoretical potential, and character statements regarding their abilities are also considered.

Though some placements may be subject to debate, each of these individuals represents one of the strongest forces within the Hero Association.

10. Drive Knight Managed to Defeat a Cadre

The title One Punch Man stems from the protagonist’s overwhelming power, but other formidable heroes exist within the series who can hold their own in battle.

Drive Knight, ranked seventh among S-Class heroes, fights using mechanical transformations that modify his body into various weapons and forms.

He successfully defeats the monster Nyan, albeit with moderate difficulty, positioning him as the weakest among those capable of taking down a Cadre.

However, in terms of achievements, Metal Bat and Superalloy Darkshine have demonstrated greater feats, which places Drive Knight at the lowest rank among them.

Child Emperor could have been considered for this spot since his strength is comparable to Drive Knight’s. He barely lost to Phoenix Man, whose full-powered form is likely far stronger than Nyan.

Despite this, since Phoenix Man was never directly measured against other high-level opponents, assessing his strength remains difficult.

Drive Knight’s confirmed victory over a Cadre provides a more concrete evaluation of his abilities compared to Child Emperor.

9. Metal Bat Reaches Extreme Power When Fully Energized

Wielding a metal bat and displaying immense resilience, Metal Bat sits at the fifteenth rank among S-Class heroes. In his normal state, his strength aligns with the Demon-level Senior Centipede, meaning he falls short compared to some heroes who are not included in this ranking.

Metal Bat’s Fighting Spirit makes him a force to be reckoned with (Photo: One Punch Man/Madhouse)

However, his ability, Fighting Spirit, allows him to drastically increase his power through accumulated damage and rage.

When fully powered, Metal Bat becomes capable of fighting Sage Centipede and standing his ground against a version of Garou who had already defeated the strongest incarnation of Platinum Sperm.

If he could maintain this level of strength consistently, he would rank much higher. However, because his power builds gradually and drains his energy quickly, his placement remains lower.

8. Superalloy Darkshine Outperforms Drive Knight by a Large Margin

Holding the ninth rank in the S-Class, Superalloy Darkshine is known for his extraordinary physical endurance and raw power.

Although he temporarily lost confidence in himself following a defeat at the hands of an improving Garou, he later rebounded with greater strength. His capabilities act as a clear marker separating the stronger S-Class heroes from the weaker ones.

Among those ranked, Superalloy Darkshine holds a clear advantage over Drive Knight and Child Emperor. While Child Emperor showed fear when confronting Orochi, Darkshine effortlessly withstood attacks from Orochi’s horns. Additionally, he dominated a version of Garou that was comparable to Drive Knight in power.

Puri-Puri Prisoner also mentioned that this particular Garou was more formidable than Nyan, a monster that gave Drive Knight a tough battle.

7. Atomic Samurai Proved His Strength Against Enhanced Cadres

Many aspects of Saitama’s abilities defy belief, yet the strength of other heroes also plays a crucial role in the story.

Ranked third among the S-Class heroes, Atomic Samurai is a master swordsman with skills further amplified by the Sun Blade. This powerful weapon enables him to battle against some of the most formidable monsters in the series.

Despite his high ranking, he is not necessarily the third strongest, but he stands as the top-tier standard within the Hero Association, clearly surpassing Superalloy Darkshine, who in turn outclasses the heroes ranked below him.

His dominance over Darkshine is evident through his performance against the upgraded Cadres, particularly Golden Sperm. Darkshine was taken down in a single strike by Golden Sperm, whereas Atomic Samurai was able to sever one of Golden Sperm’s arms.

Additionally, Fuhrer Ugly, who bested Darkshine, was swiftly eliminated by Homeless Emperor, whom Atomic Samurai nearly defeated.

6. Flashy Flash Demonstrates the Ability to Battle Platinum Sperm

With a ranking of eleven in the S-Class, Flashy Flash’s combat prowess is on par with Atomic Samurai and Bang. All three successfully fought against a version of Garou that had already overpowered Fuhrer Ugly and Superalloy Darkshine. However, Flashy Flash has shown slightly superior feats compared to Atomic Samurai.

Evidence supporting Flashy Flash’s greater strength includes Platinum Sperm’s statement that he was the strongest human he had ever faced.

While Atomic Samurai may surpass Flashy Flash in terms of raw power when wielding the Sun Blade, the swordsman’s limited stamina creates a disadvantage that Flashy Flash does not share.

5. Bang Held Back During His Fight With Garou

Although Bang decided to retire from the Hero Association after the Monster Association conflict, his impact throughout One Punch Man justifies his inclusion in this ranking. His abilities closely compare to Flashy Flash’s, particularly during their respective encounters with Garou.

While Flashy Flash was able to keep up with an accelerated version of Garou, Bang struggled against a slightly slower iteration. Additionally, Flashy Flash absorbed Garou’s attacks more effectively.

Despite this, Bang was emotionally torn during his battle with Garou, which caused him to refrain from using his most dangerous techniques. Furthermore, Bang possesses far greater combat experience and technical skill than Flashy Flash.

His composed and disciplined fighting style contrasts with Flashy Flash’s overconfidence against Garou, making their power levels a topic of debate, though they are likely equals.

4. Genos in His Ultimate Form Injured Psykos Orochi

Genos, who ranks twelfth in the S-Class, is comparable in base power to Drive Knight. However, when operating at maximum potential, his strength vastly exceeds those ranked beneath him. At his peak, Genos stands among the most formidable fighters in One Punch Man.

An upgrade obtained during the Monster Association arc allows Genos to unleash maximum power for a brief period of ten seconds.

This enhancement enables him to inflict damage on the fused Psykos Orochi, an entity superior to the strongest Cadres such as Platinum Sperm. This accomplishment firmly places him above the previously listed heroes.

3. Metal Knight Controls a Devastating Arsenal of Robots

Not every hero operates on the same playing field, and some remain underappreciated despite their immense power, as seen among One Punch Man’s professional heroes.

The line between Metal Knight as a hero and Bofoi as an influential figure within One Punch Man is blurred. Hero rankings consider available equipment and resources, and Metal Knight commands an army of robots while also holding authority over city infrastructure. Since Bofoi can remotely operate his machines, the full extent of his arsenal remains uncertain.

His most notable display of strength involved defeating Elder Centipede. However, Child Emperor has mentioned that the combined force of Bofoi’s weaponry exceeds that of any single hero.

With direct access to his technological resources and robotic army, Metal Knight stands as one of the most dangerous figures within the Hero Association.

2. Tatsumaki Possesses Immense Psychic Power

Among the many remarkable heroes in One Punch Man, Tatsumaki continues to astonish with her overwhelming abilities, while still maintaining an air of mystery.

Each S-Class hero brings a unique strength to the fight against monsters (Photo: One Punch Man/Madhouse)

As the second-ranked S-Class hero, Tatsumaki possesses extraordinary psychic capabilities. Her power lives up to her massive reputation, with Murata stating that she could telekinetically lift an entire city. She successfully fought against Psykos Orochi with assistance, marking one of the series’ most impressive accomplishments.

Her abilities were put on display during Boros’ invasion, where she hurled massive earth chunks like missiles. Compared to her fellow S-Class heroes, who handled threats one at a time, her feats stand out, solidifying her place as the second-strongest.

1. Blast Reigns as the Most Powerful S-Class Hero

Blast, the top-ranked S-Class hero, surpasses every other hero in the series except for Saitama. Rarely appearing unless the planet faces imminent destruction, his abilities remain shrouded in mystery.